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Black History Month

Chair:  Veronica Bryant

Responsible for coordinating and overseeing the event, securing the speaker and the Living by the Bible Community Church Minister to assist, program, and refreshments.

Brick Sales

Chair:  Joyce Broughman

Responsible for continuing to preserve local history by promoting the purchase of an honorary/memorial or business brick in our very special “Flossie’s Garden.”

Click here to learn more.


Chair:  Gail Padgett

Responsible for keeping the Bylaws/Standing Rules current by meeting at least once a year for review, and more often if needed.

Community Events

Chair:  Jackie Viegas

Responsible for coordinating events during the year with approval by the Board.

Click here to view our event calendar.

Corner Rose Tea Room

Co-Chairs:  Ruth Harrell and Lee Ann Hill

Responsible for assisting with the operation of the tea room in setting up, serving, food preparation, kitchen assistance, take down, laundry or any other assistance needed.

Click here to learn more.


Chair:  Lynn Armstrong

Responsible for providing or securing assistance in the monthly devotion at the general meetings (September-May) and leading members in the Pledge.

Fifth Grade Essay Contest

Chair:  Darlene Lyons

Since 1956, the Pine Castle Woman’s Club has proudly sponsored the Fifth Grade Essay Contest for schools in the Central Florida area.

The 2021-2022 topic was: “Traits of a Good Citizen” with students from Blankner Elementary School, Cornerstone Charter Academy, Lancaster Elementary School, Pershing Elementary School, Pine Castle Christian Academy, and Winegard Elementary participating.

After the essays are returned, the committee members then have the opportunity to read the students essays and determine the winners.

Categories range from first place winner ($100), second place winner ($75), third place winner ($50) and merit award winners ($25).

Because of COVID, we were unable to host our Awards luncheon event in April with the School Principals, Teachers, Parents and Students.

Committee members delivered the certificates and awards to the students at their participating school.

GFWC Liason

Chair:  Vivian Oviedo

Responsible for coordinating information and keeping the members up to date on various events during the year, attend the GFWC District 7 meetings, if possible, and provide overview to the Club.​


Chair:  Jackie Cantu

Responsible for setting up, cleaning up and coordinating monthly refreshments for the general meetings (Septermber-May).

Neighborhood Fun and Games

Chair: Minnette Mullings

Responsible for monthly event in arriving early for set up, providing sign in sheet, collecting donations and take down.



Newsletter/Publicity/Social Media

Chair:  Candi Perdomo

Responsible for social media management; producing quarterly newsletters with information happening in the Club to share with members and submitting articles to local newspapers in a timely manner.

Pine Castle Historical Society

Chair:  Veronica Bryant

Responsible for acting as the liaison between PCWC and PCHS.

Click here to learn more.


Chair:  Jackie Viegas

Responsible for keeping photos, articles, information pertaining to PCWC.

© 2024 Pine Castle Woman's Club

(407) 494-9118

5901 S Orange Avenue Orlando, FL 32809

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