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Pine Castle Woman's Club

The Heart of The Community Since 1940 and Home of the Corner Rose Tea Room

Invitation to Join

Do you want to be part of a growing group of women whose focus is on supporting the local community? We are a philanthropic club working with various organizations while offering you lots of opportunities to use your free time and talents. It’s not all hard work as we like to have fun too! Why not come to a meeting and find out more about us? 

We would love to see you.

To complete your new member application please download, print and return to the membership chair along with your dues payment at our monthly meeting. Occurs every second Wednesday at 10 AM (September - May).

How can you make a difference in the Pine Castle Woman’s Club? Joining a committee and being actively involved. As we focus on Commitment, Continued Education, Communication, Creativity and Connectivity, you will want to be part of the team.

Thank you for wanting to be a part of a growing and thriving group of members. Please bring your completed application to our monthly meeting scheduled on the second Wednesday at 10 AM (September-May). You will have an opportunity to meet the Leadership team and fellow members. 

A “New Member” packet will be given to you that will include your welcome letter and lots of information about who we are and how you can participate.

© 2024 Pine Castle Woman's Club

(407) 494-9118

5901 S Orange Avenue Orlando, FL 32809

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